Entries in baby (8)


Little Miss Preslee

So today I had a shoot with 1 month old Preslee.  What a little model she was!  Mom Alyssa, and Dad Seth were both present and we snapped some fantastic group shots as well :) This is one of the cutest little families I have ever seen.  They brought along a ring passed down through Alyssa's family that Preslee wore.  It was great to be able to incorporate the ring because of its meaning.  She also had an adorable Christmas outfit amongst the cutest headbands and hats. See some of this precious little ones photos!



Allison Renee


This morning I shot photographs of newborn, Allison.  She's just a few weeks old!  Beautiful little girl with quite the head of hair!  Mom, Christina brought some props along, adorable headbands and a hat. 
While she was a little fussy at first, she got used to me clicking away pretty quickly.  Here are some shots of Allison and those big blue eyes.  Thanks again Christina!












"A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."



Welcome to the World

I had the great opportunity to be a part of welcoming baby Liam into the world on Tuesday, October 26th. Though he was a few weeks early, he was ready to be here! The mother Kelly, found me through a mutual friend. She and her husband decided that photographing in the birth room would be a great way to keep the memories of the day their son was born.
Kelly gave me a call that afternoon to let me know she was having contractions and that they miiiiight have a baby that day, but she'd keep me posted. Not soon after that, she called again confirming baby was coming... and quick! Needless to say this was the day of tornado warnings, and during rush hour. But one speeding ticket later, I made it to the hospital just in time for this...

"The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth. " 

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