Feeling Grateful

Last night, my girlfriends and I had a cookie making party for the holidays! We had chocolate chocolate, peanut butter, pumpkin, and sugar cookies with an array of decorating supplies. Along with puppy chow and red velvet mini cupcakes with cream cheese icing. Oh, and we must not forget the "jug" of wine. This was a fantastic evening that turned into a dance party. (Great way to burn off some of those sweets we devoured. Hah.) We all felt like we were 12 years old again dancing in the living room to Spice Girls, Hanson, NSYNC, and we cant forget the classics, Madonna, Hall & Oats, and Bruce Springsteen that we blasted. (The neighbors probably thought we were insane!) This was a perfect time to remember what the holidays are about though. Being with loved ones and enjoying the company of great friends. I feel incredibly grateful to have such wonderful people in my life. They are each talented, inspiring individuals and I cannot wait to see what the new year has in store for them!
Mackenzie Farone, one of my best friends (above bottom right) is a blogger as well. Here is a link to check out some of her posts! Enjoy :) FitnessNAt