Entries in headshots (2)


65 and Sunny...


So yesterday was 65 degrees and sunny!  These few days of sporadic Indian Summer have been great.  What a perfect time to go outside and shoot.  I met up with Cory in Oakland to do headshots.  He is a Point Park University cinema student who also does acting work.  I used to live in the part of Oakland we shot in, so I knew the area like the back of my hand.  Cory was hysterical.  (As you will be able to tell by some of the photos.)  He was great at posing and keeping it real.  Great shoot Cor!
Student headshots deals are available! Contact me at: racheltokarskiphotography@gmail.com









A venture to the other side.


So today my Mother took headshots of me for my new website.  I didn't realize just how uncomfortable it can be on the other side of the camera until now.  As I was trying to smile, be serious, look away, look back, smile again, smile again, smile once more because "that looks fake"...  It took me awhile, but then I remembered the things I say to my clients while I'm working with them. 
Im so used to being on the other side of the camera, today made me really take notice that it is important to be comfortable and confident while getting your photo taken.  It takes a few shots to loosen up, it takes good direction, and most importantly it takes a good laugh during the shoot to keep you confident!  Chalk that up to another learning experience.  I hope with this, Ill be able to help my clients relax and have fun with each and every shoot.  My Mother did a wonderful job and I thank her for these!  Her are a few of the shots.




"Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong."